Saturday, April 19, 2008

Benefit of Positive Motivation - More Tips

I don't know a thing about you but I am pretty sure that if you are reading this then you are at least a LITTLE interested in learning more about motivation? Would you like to find out more of the details behind making yourself a more effective person?

It has been stated in other places that motivation is the rocket fuel that pushes a person to fulfill their dreams, goals and needs. To create a fulfilling life the benefit of positive motivation should be acquired as soon as humanly possible.

Determine and Write Down Your Goals

Setting goals is one of the initial actions to take to finding out the benefit of positive motivation in your life. First, take a look at your life now. Are there parts of your life that you feel could be better? How would you change that? For example, if you sleep-in when you could be getting work done, a goal may be to wake up at a set time that would allow you to get more work done. Try not to make a pie-in-the-sky goal such as "getting a novel published." Make a more attainable goal such as "finish the first chapter of my novel." Setting specific, attainable goals keeps your motivation high and makes you less likely to fail. Failure is the biggest killer of motivation.

Do Something Nice For Yourself As A Reward

In the course of attaining your goal sometimes helps to bribe yourself. For example, if you do get up earlier for two whole days, or finish that novel chapter, or spend more time with your kids, then let yourself have that candy bar. The treat can be anything as long as it boosts your motivation to reach a goal.

Next Steps

For those that have set there sights high it becomes immediately obvious that to get to that next plateau you have to take it to the next level. In fact as you continuously self motivate yourself by having an increasing amount of goals that you have already accomplished as residual motivation it becomes time to set a new, bigger and better goal and discover for yourself bigger and better goals to motivate you. But isn't that what growth is all about? If you have a big enough WHY then you will find few things that you can't accomplish as you keep in mind the benefit of positive motivation.
Article Source: My Articles Directory

About the Author: James Redder makes it easy to understand motivation, quickly & easily. Learn the essential keys to motivation theory. To receive more information visit the benefit of positive motivation website.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Christian Love

Christian Love by Saundra L. Washington

Actually, loving does not take any great effort on our part because it is not something we must put forth great effort to achieve. When God enters our heart, soul, and mind, love is spontaneously produced because He is love. It is a spiritual attainment. It is the result of a cause and the cause is this: God loved us first (1 John 4:19).

This love is not produced by us. No one can love God until he knows that God loves him and we can only love God when we have perceived some reasons for doing so. Each person that has ever been saved never came to God as a lover of God, but as a sinner who had come to believe in God’s love for him or her. Our love is connected with this “knowing.”

When we realize God’s love for us, we become acutely aware of our unworthiness. The more we recognize our own helpless state, the more we understand God’s love for us; a love so great that it embraces poor sinner. We love because God first loved us.

God loves us. It is a fact affirmed and validated by the patriarchs, lawgivers, seers, prophets, apostles, teachers, deacons, evangelists. From Genesis to Revelation, a conglomeration of witnesses joined together to make this heavenly announcement: God loves us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died.

But, we cannot claim we love God if we do not love one another; for it is in loving God that we are enabled to love one another, and in loving one another, our love for God is strengthened. Human love is a response to God’s love. His love within us creates goodness and transforms the unlovable into the lovable. When this miracle occurs, we discover we love not only others, but ourselves.

No greater claim can any of us make than that we love. Love is a characteristic of those who love God. Love is the great bond of fellowship which binds believers to one another, and to our Lord. We love all men—even our enemies. Like John, we do not claim to love as deeply as we desire to love; we do not claim to love as much as we expect to as we progress in the faith, but we do claim to love. There is no guessing, no speculation, no assumptions, and no inferences.

We Christians stand side by side with John and thousands of others down through the generations to affirm what John declared. That somehow, even in this messed up world, even in times like these when man’s inhumanity to man seem to have reached chaotic proportions, we love and we do it because God lives in us and God is love. This is God’s eminent challenge to man and one of man’s greatest trials.

EzineArticles Expert Author Saundra L. Washington

Rev. Saundra L. Washington, D.D., is an ordained clergywoman, social worker, and Founder of AMEN Ministries. She is also the author of two coffee table books: Room Beneath the Snow: Poems that Preach and Negative Disturbances: Homilies that Teach. Her new book, Out of Deep Waters: My Grief Management Workbook, will be available soon.

Article Source: Christian Love

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Request For Transfer

TO: Commander-in-Chief Spiritual Armed Forces, Jesus Christ

Dear Lord:

I am writing this to You to request a transfer to a desk job. I herewith present my reasons: I began my career as a private, but because of the intensity of the battle You have quickly moved me up in the ranks. You have made me an officer and given me a tremendous amount of responsibility. There are many soldiers and recruits under my charge. I am constantly being called upon to dispense wisdom, make judgments, and find solutions to complex problems. You have placed me in a position to function as an officer, when in my heart I know I have only the skills of a private.

I realize that You have promised to supply all I would need for the battle. But Sir, I must present You a realistic picture of my situation. My uniform, once so crisp and starched, is now stained with tears and blood of those I have tried to assist. The soles of my boots are cracked and worn from the miles I have walked trying to enlist, encourage, and instruct the troops. My weapons are marred, tarnished and chipped from constant battle against the enemy. Even the Book of Regulations I was issued has been torn and tattered from endless use. The words are now smeared.

You have promised You would be with me throughout, but when the noise of the battle is so loud and the confusion is so great, I can neither see nor hear You. I feel so alone. I'm tired. I'm discouraged. I have Battle Fatigue. I would never ask You for a discharge. I love being in Your service. But I humbly request a demotion and transfer. I'll file papers or clean latrines. Just get me out of the battle -- please, Sir.

Your Faithful, but tired, Warrior.


TO: Faithful, but tired, Soldier, Spiritual Armed Forces

LOCATION: The Battlefield

SUBJECT: Transfer

Dear Soldier:

Your request for transfer has been denied. I herewith present My reasons: You are needed in this battle. I have selected you, and I will keep My Word to supply your needs. You do not need a demotion and transfer. Besides, you'd never cut it on latrine duty anyway. You need a period of "R & R" (Renewal and Rekindling). I am setting aside a place on the battlefield that is insulated and fully protected from the enemy. I will meet you there and I will give you rest. I will remove your old equipment and "make all things new."

You have been wounded in the battle, My soldier. Your wounds are not visible, but you have received grave internal injuries. You need to be healed. I will heal you. Also, you have been weakened in the battle. You need to be strengthened. I will strengthen you and be your strength. I will instill in you confidence and ability. My Words will be rekindled within you, giving you renewed love, zeal and enthusiasm. Report to Me tattered and empty. I will replenish you.


Your Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ