Now, more than ever, GIA looks back to its past years with a sense of fulfillment, and yet still aware of the challenges ahead in the years which will be just as richly blessed by God.
Lets travel back in time and see how GIA ministry was started and has grown in the Philippines.
Sometime in 1983, the Lord in His sovereign power & mysterious ways gathered a small group of young men & women, simple people out of nowhere. In their hearts God planted a burning desire to pray, to praise, to worship, to make music to the Lord, a driving hunger and thirst to study the Bible & to share it to everyone they knew and minister to the sick and the needy people motivated by active faith in the power of the living God. From there the God Is Alive Ministries was born. Just in the first days of GIACMI ministry spiritual multiplication and transferability immediately began. The response of the people was one of wariness and curiosity, but there were many who were just waiting for someone to tell them about Jesus.
So began the most exciting, adventurous seventeen years (17) of trusting God that we could ever have imagined. GIACMI has become a nationwide movement of God with full-time pastors and staff members serving God in most communities.
Today, we work with almost every facet of society, including students, senior citizens, professionals, children, laymen, pastors, and leaders in government, education and other areas of influence. We believe that God has given us a legacy of calling Christians to believe Him for great and mighty tasks, and to trust Him for a vast spiritual harvest of souls. We started out with Bible Study groups within the vicinity of Marikina and its neighboring barangays. Then in mid 1983, the first outreach ministry of God Is Alive outside Metro Manila was born. It was indeed born through the testimony of Gods miracle working power. We paid visit to the dying father of Sis. Connie Enriquez-one of the member in GIA Marikina who is suffering from severe sickness. We arrived in Jaen, Nueva Ecija armored with faith that God will heal her father. True to His promises, God healed him instantly and the whole family upon witnessing Gods miracle, come to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. From then on, we never cease to tell anyone that God Is Alive. resulting to more outreaches sprouting inside and outside Metro Manila.
In 1984, the group felt the need to formalize and legalize the organization because of its continuing population growth. They were able to register God Is Alive Christian Ministries in the Securities and Exchange Commission under Reg.No.0105572 and is now garnering recognition by the Philippine government. It has license to operate and execute all its legal transactions and implement all its rules and by-laws under the supervision of the government.
Presently, the organization was blessed with an opportunity to minister and share the love of God abroad. It was May, 1997 when a group of committed Christians caught their first glimpse of Gods plan for GOD IS ALIVE CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL-HONGKONG. Their goal is to spread the Kingdom of God and be a part of the great commission for us to go into all the world and make disciples of all men. As they ventured in evangelism and cultivate the richness of the Bible, the Lord added more souls to the church. These precious souls did not only come to the church for blessings. They come to worship the Lord, to offer their lives as living sacrifices, to proclaim the greatness of God and become His disciplemany were baptized. And God raised up leaders and blessed them with different gifts and abilities which when nurtured into full bloom can be an instrument of God. The work of the Lord were scattered abroad through the lives of the believers-GIA workers-who were given a chance to work outside the country. Primarily, they only aim to earn a living for their family. But God has another purpose in their lives. Along the way, they found themselves continuing the work that God started in their lives. We also have international outreach ministry in Japan and Micronesia.
Through the efforts and dedication of our staff and workers, more Bible Study groups, prayer meetings and fellowships sprouted like mushrooms in different cities and provinces. There have been quiet but definite changes in the lives of those who come into the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the effects of which are being felt in their homes, schools, and work places.
Truly the organization was birthed and sustained by the grace and power of God. Through the years the hand of the Lord was with us, empowering and giving success to us all. By His grace the Lord positioned men who had been faithful & had endured to push through and advance the cause of Christ. Through thick and thin, for poorer and for richer, in bright and dark times God enabled these men namely Ptr. Ferdinand Gonzalez as the President, Ptr. Nelson Anastacio as Vice President and Ptr. Rafael Salonga as the Mission Director.
In the passing of time, other men and women chosen by the Lord came to join the workforce. God Himself is building and strengthening the whole ministry for it to fulfill its God appointed destiny and mission to cross every border of the world and to preach the love and power of the living God.