Friday, March 06, 2009

Beware: Doing Things In Haste!

"Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. "
(~St Francis de Sales)

Have you ever experienced making a decision or doing things in a hurry, because there was no much time left? Well, I am an expert on that! Hahaha! When everything is to be done in its last minute, many things go wrong than accomplishing things the right way. First of that, is the stress that goes with the hurrying up. I can't help myself being angry because I must do things in just a snap of my finger. And at times, I say words that are unpleasant to the ear,and so, I had created another stress for another person who heard it ; So the "hate feeling" began to spread. Another bad effect of hurrying is that, you forget so many things. When going somewhere, you might left something at the house ,or drop something on the road. Or if the hurrying up is for making a decision, other important details to consider are left out, thus making a wrong decision. Things made in a haste, often create disasters. So what is my point in saying these things? Beware of doing things in a hurry!( I have to remind myself a thousand times about these things-because I am always guilty of this!)I wish you the best of today, though busy and tired, may the spirit of calmness be with you!

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
(Psalm 27:14 NIV)

It is the best time to pray and listen to God's voice, when things might seem to be short of time...and when you think that you don't have the time to pray...then, more is the need to seek God's help, because in hurrying up, the devil's ways are more likely to succeed! Seek wisdom from God. Beware of making things in haste because they often go to waste!